Hailong Dao

Professor of Mathematics, University of Kansas


My research focuses on many facets of commutative algebra and it's connections to other areas such as algebraic geometry, category theory, and combinatorics. Below are links to my CV and various research profiles:


I truly enjoy mentoring students and working with young people in general. Their ideas, energy and hard work have inspired me so much over the years. The majority of my collaborators were students or postdocs at the time, most were not even at KU (see Collaborators page above). Below are the more "offcicial" ones:

Math Related Activities

The community of math lovers is large, diverse and extremely fascinating, with thousand of years of history. I am lucky to be an active member of this community.


Outside of mathematics, I enjoy spending time with my family, travelling, and reading. We have two lovely and active boys who keep us busy and humbled.